
Bourne and The Deepings

Nicola Day – Division Commissioner

“I joined 1st Coningsby Brownies when I was seven, we were based on the camp at RAF Coningsby. I remember having fun and going on week long pack holidays at Parva House. I then went on to Guides where I gained my Queens Guide.
I left guiding while I was studying at college and gaining my first job in Lincoln.
On returning home to Morton I found out that the local Brownie pack was going to close so I
volunteered to keep it running until they found somebody – 30 years later and I am still here! I have many memories from Guiding whether it was a pack holiday, sleeping at The Deep in Hull or the centenary celebrations.”

Bourne Division is made up of nearly 300 girls and their leaders. We are an active and welcoming Division and meet in a variety of venues. We aim to offer the fun of Guiding to all girls aged 5 to 18 with the support of our adult leaders, volunteers and Trefoil Guild.

If you would like to get in touch to talk all things Bourne Division, contact Nicola here.

Bourne District

4 Rainbow Units
7 Brownie Units
3 Guide Units
1 Ranger Unit

Deeping District

4 Brownie Units
2 Guide Units
1 Rainbow Unit
1 Ranger Unit